Life & Work with Beth Dryden

Excerpt from an interview with Voyage Savannah Magazine.
May 17th, 2022


Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?I find beauty in all things that are less than perfect. Multi-layered with depth, soul…scars. This rebrand from Bernice London to 1974 Leather Co. was a shift in perspective on both an artistic and business front. It’s where the past 10 years have led me, shaped me, molded me. It’s more refined. More intentional. Slower made. Off-the-cuff. It’s about celebrating beautiful veg-tanned hides and creating distinctively designed collections. 1974 is a state of mind. Where stories have seeped in, dwelling in each piece of leather before it’s even made into the heirloom it will become. Pieces that will be trusted companions for folks on their uniquely textured journey. It’s these moments where those connections craft our legacies and weave us into the unique humans we become. Never linear. Never perfect. Never stays the same. But what I love the most, is how these pieces of functional art, go from my hands to my customers becoming an extension of them on their own unique journey acquiring more beauty and character over time. There is a bit of magic there.

Read the whole article here on Voyage Savannah Magazine

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